Writing for Children's Magazines
Here are links to children's magazines and to their submission guidelines or contact information.
A few are not technically magazines but are places where your work can be published.
[I] means the publication is on the internet, not a print magazine.
$x means the publication is a non-paying market. The absence of such a symbol does not guarantee the
publication pays; in some cases I may not be able to determine the status.
If you know of corrections or additions to the list, please email me.
Please note: All of these publications are listed here in good faith, but I can make no guarantees about
any of these publishers or the information found on any of these sites.
Be aware that Canadian magazines are frequently subsidized by the government and therefore rarely accept
submissions from non-Canadian authors.
Partners [Christian; ages 9-14]
Contact information
Peer [Christian; ages 16-22]
Submission guidelines
Plays, The Drama Magazine for Young People
Submission guidelines
Primary Treasure [Christian; ages 6-9]
Submission guidelines
Ranger Rick [Nature; ages 7-14 ]
Currently closed to submissions and queries.
Ranger Rick Jr. [Animals; ages 4-7]
Currently closed to submissions and queries.
Regular Baptist Press
God's Explorers, Sunday school paper for ages 6-7,
Truth Travelers, Sunday school paper for ages 8-9,
Faith Detectives, Sunday school paper for ages 10-11,
Living My Faith, 8-page, weekly periodical for ages 12-14
Real Faith in Life, quarterly devotional for high schoolers
Contact information
[I] Relate [Christian girls ages 12-23; $x]
Submission information
The School Magazine [Australia; 4 publications]
Countdown [Ages 8–9]
Blast Off [Ages 9–10]
Orbit [Ages 10–11]
Touchdown [advanced primary readers;
NESB and reluctant high school readers]
Submission guidelines and themes
Schoolwide [Grades k-8; digital database]
Submission guidelines
Science and Children [PreK-5 teachers; $x]
Submission guidelines are on the same page.
Scout Life [Boy Scouts of America; ages 6-18]
Formerly Boy's Life
Submission guidelines
Seventeen [Ages 13-21]
Contact information
SHINE brightly [Christian; girls ages 9 – 14]
Submission guidelines and themes
Editor interview
Short Edition [Includes short stories and poems for kids]
Submission guidelines
[I] Short Kid Stories [$x]
Submission guidelines
Skipping Stones [Multicultural; ages 7-17; $x]
Submission guidelines
Editor interview
[I] Smarty Pants Magazine for Kids
Submission guidelines
Smore [STEM for girls; ages 7-12]
Submission form
[I] Spaceports and Spidersilk [Formerly KidVisions]
Submission guidelines on the same page
Sparkle [Christian; girls grades 1-3]
Submission guidelines and themes
Editor interview
Spider [Ages 6-9]
Submission guidelines
Sports Illustrated for Kids [Ages 8-14]
Contact info ("General Inquiries") at the page bottom
St. Mary's Messenger [Christian; ages 7-12]
Submission guidelines
Editor interview
Stinkwaves [YA; literary magazine]
Submission guidelines [$x]
Editor interview
[I] Storgy Kids [Ages 8-12; $x]
Submission guidelines
Story Mates [Christian; ages 4-8]
Contact information
Story Monsters Ink [$x Children's book reviews + book news]
Contact information
Story Shares [For struggling readers; $x]
Writer guidelines
Storytime [British; ages 3-8]
Submission guidelines
[I] Sunday School Network [$x]
Submission guidelines
See Market Tidbits for details.
Teen Graffiti [Teens writing for teens; $x]
Contact information
Teen Times [Ages 10-18]
Contact information
Teen Tribute [Canadian]
Contact information
Time for Kids [Ages 5-18]
Contact information
[I] Timeless Tales
Submission guidelines
Twist [Ages 14-19]
Contact information
Union Gospel Press [Christian; many children's publications]
 Freelance information
Unlocked [Christian; teens]
 Submission guidelines
Unsettling Wonder [Fairy tales & folklore; YA/Adults]
Submission guidelines
Urban Ministries [Christian]
Preschool Playhouse for ages 2-5
Primary Street for ages 6-8
JuniorWay for ages 9-11
J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) for ages 12-14
Inteen for ages 15-17
Freelance information
Velocity [Christian; young teens]
See Market Tidbits for details.
WordAction Publishing [Christian]
Bought by The Foundry; new kids' publications coming in 2019.
Previous 5 publications appear to be discontinued.
Submission information
[I] Wunderdog Magazine [$x]
Submission guidelines
[I] Young Bucks Outdoors [Ages 7 to adult]
Contact information
Young Rider [Ages 6-14]
Contact information
[I] Youth Imagination [Teens]
Submission guidelines
Editor interview
Zizzle [Flash fiction; ages 10-14]
Submission guidelines