Writing for Children's Magazines -
The List
This includes a list of links to children's magazine websites and to their submission guidelines, if those are
available online.
Educational Markets for Children's Writers -
The List
For those of you interested in writing books for the children's educational market, I've compiled a
list of markets with links to publisher websites and to online submission
guidelines. If you'd like to be on my mailing list to receive notice of updates to this list please
email me with "Education Market Updates" in the subject line.
Tips for Writing for the Education Market -
A Resource
If you're fairly new to writing for the education market, this page provides help.
Writers, you might find this article, "Keeping Those Babies Sent Out,"
It describes the color-coded method I use for keeping track of my magazine submissions.
If you often unhappily compare yourself to other writers you might want to read my article,
"The Big Acceptance!"
"Becoming a Puzzle
Master" gives lots of information about writing and marketing puzzles. It's the transcript of
the questions/answers from an online workshop I did.
If you create crossword puzzles and want to know how to format them in a Word document, I give you the steps
in "Formatting a Crossword Puzzle in Word."
Wanting to format a word search puzzle in a Word document? Check out how in my article:
"Formatting a Word Search Puzzle in Word."
Helpful Sites for Children's Writers
Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators--
a professional international organization for writers and illustrators of children's literature
SCBWI's Blueboard--a terrific message and chat board for
children's writers and illustrators with oodles of information; a great place to ask questions
The Institute of Children's
Literature--offers writing courses and free podcasts; you can also sign up for a helpful, free
email newsletter
The Purple Crayon--plenty of articles, tips, and info
about writing for children
Write4Kids/CBI Clubhouse--free resources and
email newsletter; an abundance of additional information for a small member fee
Ellen Jackson--lots of articles for writers, interviews of
children's writers, teaching resources, list of children's editors and their preferences
Nancy I. Sanders' Blog--outstanding, helpful information for writers. Look back through her
archived posts!
Cynthia Leitich Smith--a wealth of information including
articles, interviews, and lists of resources
JacketFlap--a wonderful market resource! Detailed information on just about every children's book publisher
Resources for Children's Writers--Rachelle Burk's amazing list of links
to over 25 categories of helpful resources
Cool School Visits--tips and resources for doing school visits
Websites of Some of My Writing Friends
Vijaya Bodach--fabulous science and math writer. Author of more than 60 books and 60 magazine pieces.
Mirka Breen--long-time writing pal; excellent author of
The Voice of Thunder, a middle grade historical novel, and There's a Turkey at the Door, a picture book.
Tina Cho--talented writer of easy readers, picture books, and magazine pieces.
Ellen Jackson--award-winning author of both fiction
and non-fiction. Cinder Edna and Earth Mother are two favorites among her many outstanding books.
Verla Kay--author of many wonderful historical picture books written in her unique Cryptic Rhyme style.
Also founder of the famous Blueboard.
Katie Kennedy--writes fun near-future sci-fi
young adult books such as What Goes Up.
Nancy I. Sanders--top-notch author of more than 75 books!
Ben Woodard--fun, creative writer and member of my local critique group.