

Tactic Twisters

ISBN Number:1-933054-43-3
For grade 6 and up
Sample page

ISBN Number:1-933054-44-1
For grade 9 and up
Sample page

More than 140 maze-like puzzles in four styles to challenge and sharpen your problem solving skills--Honeycomb Loops, Gray'n' White Puzzles, Triangle Trails, and Grid Path Puzzles. Think logically as you twist, turn, bend and loop your way around to discover the correct paths.

Publisher: MindWare, 2006 [discontinued]

I'm delighted these books are now available in digital form at my Teachers Pay Teacher store:

Tactic Twisters Level A   and   Tactic Twisters Level B.

Please check them out.

Author's note for book A:
This book was co-authored with my daughter Susan, a terrific collaborator. We had a tight timeline with a New Year's deadline which made for a rather hectic Christmas vacation, but we're excited about the final product! Hope you have fun with it.

Author's note for book B:
This book was also co-authored with my daughter Susan. We wrote it during the month of January (deadline was February 1) and my parents, ages 89 and 90, unexpectedly needed to live with us that month. I cherish those weeks with my parents, but writing was a challenge. I'm incredibly grateful to all my extended family who pitched in and helped. (Special hugs to you!)

Dedication for book A:
"This book is dedicated to all our puzzling friends and to a God who always has an answer."

Dedication for book B:
"This book is dedicated to our wonderful family who's been such a help during this rough time and to a loving God who's always there for us."

Copyright 2017 Evelyn B. Christensen
Web Design by Stephen M. Christensen