Privacy Policy
My name is Evelyn B. Christensen and I am the owner of this website.
I maintain an Educational Markets for Children's Writers list on my website
The sole purpose of that list is to help other authors be successful in their pursuit of publication. I update the list
when I find additional publishers to add to it or if corrections need to be made--usually two or three times a year. At
that time I send an email to those people who have requested that I do so to let them know I have made changes to the
list. Occasionally, I also include market information in the email, if I think it might be of interest to the recipients
and I don't want to include it in the List. Occasionally, I also mention new books that I, personally, have out or are
coming out.
This is the only use I make of your personal data. I get your data by your emailing it to me asking to be on my mailing
list. The only data I collect is your name (if you give it to me) and your email address. Oh, I might also visit your
website if you include it in your signature, just because I'm interested in other educational writers and I figure, if
you include your website in your signature, you're doing it because you want people to visit.
You can unsubscribe from my email list at any time simply by emailing me and telling me you wish to be taken off the list.
evelyn (dot) christensen (at) gmail (dot) com
My website also uses Statcounter. Statcounter is an online service which helps me to understand my visitors; for example,
how visitors find my website, how long they spend on my site, which web pages they are most interested in etc. I use
Statcounter because better understanding how visitors are interacting with my website helps me to improve the content,
design and functionality of my site. This allows me to offer a better online experience to my visitors.
Statcounter uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on visitors and visitor activity on my website. This data
• Time and date of visit (this can help me to identify and plan for busy periods on my website)
• IP address (this is a numerical label assigned to a device by an Internet Service Provider to enable the device to
access the internet)
• Browser and Operating System (this can help me to make sure that my website functions correctly in the
browsers/operating systems used to access my site)
• Device Information e.g. device type and screen size (this can help me to make sure that my website functions correctly
in the devices used to access my site)
• Referring Data e.g. a search engine link (this can help me to understand which search engines are helping visitors to
find my website)
Furthermore, when you visit my website a Statcounter cookie (called "is_unique") may be placed in your browser. This
cookie is used only to determine whether you are a first-time or returning visitor and to estimate unique visits to the
You can learn more about cookies from StatCounter and set your browser to refuse same by clicking