


Publisher: Fat Brain Toy Co.
Publishing Date: 2010
Catalog Number: FA038
UPC: 182129000397

Purchase Site: Fat Brain Toys

Sample page

* 2010 NAPPA Honors Award
* 2011 Teachers' Choice Award Winner
* 2011 Creative Child - KIDS' PRODUCT OF THE YEAR Award

Inchimals is a set of 12 beautifully crafted wooden blocks which measure 1” in height (the tiny ladybug) to 12” high (the tall giraffe). With numerals, dot equivalents, and precise inch segments on the blocks, plus cute animals - this set is a sure way to make learning fun.

Explore counting, number value and recognition, measurement, fine motor skills, estimation, language, and logic with these versatile blocks. The activities in the Inchimals write-on/wipe-off puzzle book are designed to progress in difficulty so that even young children can have success in solving simple addition problems. Equations become more challenging when subtraction, equivalent sums, and multiple numbers are introduced.

For ages 3 and up.

What's Being Said about Them
View what Timberdoodle has to say about Inchimals--comments such as "the best hands-on program we have seen for teaching math to young children" and "taking the home education market by storm."

Sample customer reviews from Fat Brain Toys website:
--We love this set! It makes learning and math so much fun. My kids won't put it down! Laura Calkins

--I purchased this for my 5 year old daughter who is starting Kindergarten this fall, and my 3 year old son. Both were very excited to play with the Inchimals, and both were able to quickly grasp the concept of how to use them without too much explanation. I like that each piece also has inch markings along the side, so my daughter was able to measure other toys. Very cute and well-made...I would recommend to anyone wanting to introduce their preschool children to measurement and basic math. Beth S.

Author's note: All I can say is I wish I'd had this set when my own children were young and when I was teaching kindergarten and 1st grade.

Dedication: “This book is dedicated to all the children and to God who loves them.”

Copyright 2010 Evelyn B. Christensen
Web Design by Stephen M. Christensen