Division Designs

Publisher: MindWare

Publishing Date: 2003

ISBN Number: 1-892069-57-1

Catalog Number: 17158

Online Purchase Site: Mindware

See sample puzzle: sample

Want kids to love practicing their division facts? Then this is the book you need! Answers to the problems provide the dots to be connected in the grid. As the picture or design gradually unfolds, kids are motivated to keep solving the problems until it's complete. The activities also reinforce graphing skills.

For grades 3 and up.

Author's note: My son Stephen M. Christensen was a wonderful co-author
for this book! He was a junior in high school at the time.


"This book is dedicated to Nana and Papa whose faith has been a sure foundation for us and to a reconciling God who is able to heal our world's hurtful divisions."

Copyright 2005 Evelyn B. Christensen
Web Design by Stephen M. Christensen
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