Author Visits
I love doing author visits! If you're interested in having me do one please email me.
I'm willing to do free author visits to schools in and around Lexington, KY under the following conditions:
- The school will promote my visit and get the students excited about it to the same extent you would
if you were inviting an expensive author to come.
- You will schedule, for shortly after my visit, a sale of my books on an evening when you're likely to
have a good turnout of parents for some other function. The sale will be a mini-fundraiser for your
school (I'll be giving you the difference between my cost and what the books sell for). I will attend
the event and do author signings for purchased books.
- You will promote the book sale by doing such things as sending home fliers, making announcements
about it, and sending emails to the staff.
- You will make any needed copies of handouts and transparencies which I use with the students.
I'm willing to give as many as three 50-minute presentations to individual classes (not more than 28 students).
Typically, I read some poetry and a short magazine story, discuss briefly what an author does and the importance
of revisions, and then do some math and word puzzles with the students. I also give time for questions and answers.

If your school is not in the Lexington area, please email me to discuss possible arrangements and fees.