
FUN FOR KIDZ is a 32-page magazine for children ages 5 to 14, published six times a
year. It is filled with informative, fun pieces of timeless interest to this age group and
contains no ads, no violence, and no teen material. With this issue,
it has just changed format to be full-color and to have dimensions 8" x 10." Each issue has a
theme, and all stories, articles, poems, crafts, and puzzles focus on that theme.
The magazine is family-owned and has been published in Bluffton, OH since 2002.
Fun For Kidz has two companion magazines, Hopscotch for Girls and Boys' Quest,
which are published the six alternating months a year when Fun For Kidz is not published.
Overview The theme for this July/August issue is "Exploration."
• Puzzle: "Mystery Picture," inside the front cover. Find hidden smaller pictures within the big picture; a
regular feature always done by the same illustrator.
• Nonfiction: "Exploring China," 2 pages written in 2nd person telling things you might
see and do on a trip to Beijing. Article includes 9 photos and a sidebar suggesting two things
you can do at home if you can't actually travel to China.
• Regular Feature written by a FFK editor: "Riding the Back Roads with Max and Gracie,"
1 page. A first-person narrative told by the dog Max about traveling in Sedona, AZ where
Gracie gets lost.
• Story Poem: "Exploring the Woods," 4 pages, 25 4-line verses about two kids who explore
the woods and save a fawn from a wildcat.
• Nonfiction: 1 page information about raccoons, with 2 photos, leading into the
drawing lesson on the next page.
• Art Lesson: "Drawing a Raccoon," 1 page, step by step directions for drawing this animal, with a
suggestion at the end that you send your picture to FFK for possible publication.
• Science—Regular Feature written by a FFK editor: "Exploring Unseen Forces," 1 page.
Science activities about gravity and centripetal and centrifugal forces.
• Comic Strip: "The Perfect Vacation," 2 pages, a story about a family of aliens
vacationing on Planet Earth.
• Story Poem: "The Explorer," 1 page, 20 lines, about an alien who explores our solar
system looking for a place for inhabitants of his crowded planet to relocate.
• Historical Fiction: "From Sea to Shining Sea...Well, Almost," 4 pages. A first-person
account, from a dog's perspective, of being on the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1803. A separate
half-page section at the end tells "The True Story."
• Nonfiction: "Exploring the Koala," 2 pages, information about koalas including habitat,
physical features, diet, communication, sleep patterns, and activities. 5 photos.
• Workshop—Regular Feature written by a FFK editor: "Build a VLF Radio--Listen to
Whistlers," 2 pages. Gives step by step directions, with photos and diagrams for constructing
the device.
• Magic Tricks—Regular Feature written by a FFK editor: "The Pharaoh's Treasure," 3
pages. Directions for photocopying, coloring, and assembling the cards and container shown,
plus instructions on what to say and how to perform the magic trick.
• Puzzles: 4 are interspersed throughout the magazine--a word path puzzle, a logic
grid puzzle, a word search, and a sudoku for the word "EXPLORE."
Evelyn's Experiences and Tips
I've had lots of acceptances from Fun for Kidz, most of them puzzles, and have appreciated the interactions I've
had with the hardworking staff there. My advice is to keep an eye on the theme list and submit as soon as
you're able after a new theme is posted, because many of the issues tend to fill up fast.
Check the website for more information about the magazine. Helpful, detailed submission guidelines are posted
there. (See links below.) The website currently still says they use black and white photos inside
the magazine, but the new format has colored photos. I asked Diane Winebar if the regular
features were open to submissions, and she said, "The regular columns are the editors' own work -
no freelancing involved." She also said the magic tricks column may be discontinued.
In my experience, Fun for Kidz has always been prompt about sending my payment and contributor copy at
time of publication. A comment about submitting for issues far in the future: When I first started submitting to Fun for Kidz,
three or four years seemed too far distant and I only subbed for themes with closer dates. I'm glad now that
I changed my mind about that. It's really nice to be getting checks and my contributor copies
for things I wrote several years ago. And you'd be amazed at how short three or four years begin to seem once
you start playing all the waiting games involved with a writing career.
Additional Information
Editor: Marilyn Edwards
Associate Editor: Diane Winebar
Riding...with Max & Gracie Editor: Lisa Rehfuss
Science Editor: Larry White
Workshop Editor: Thomas Fox
Math Editor: Duane Bollenbacher
Website: http://www.funforkidz.com
Submission Guidelines: http://funforkidzmagazines.com/ffk_guidelines
Theme List: http://funforkidzmagazines.com/writers
Submissions should be sent to:
Fun For Kidz Magazines
ATTN: Submissions
PO Box 227
Bluffton, OH 45817
Writing for Children's Magazines, September 2014 Copyright Evelyn B. Christensen